Hear What Families are Saying

“I wanted to tell you that you both are truly great teachers, leaders, and friends. After the experience of having you both teach my girls, I can't imagine sending them to anyone else! I know both of you are so personally dedicated to not only the profession of teaching, but to run a really great school (great is such a lame word, but there are too many other adjectives so great will have to sum them up for me). ....So thank you!! … I have complete confidence in both of you, in both your teaching abilities and love of your students… I know you would both jump in front of a train for any of the kids. Thank you for showing our family so much love and generosity over the past few years, and thanks for being fantastic 2nd parents to them.”

Brandy Simison, Director All-Star Academy, Issaquah WA "Raleigh is a dedicated educator. His approach is student-centered and is great for children who need individualized attention, especially twice exceptional (2e) children. Highly recommend Raleigh at Tolt Montessori for a customized, top-tier PreK education!"

 "...There are huge benefits beyond my expectations.  I’ve seen great strides in the confidence, social skills, compassion, and patience of the children.  When the big kids help the little ones it instills pride and solidifies their grasp of the subject matter when they have to “teach” it.  And with the attention of the older kids, the little kids feel valued and have grace, tolerance, and courtesy modeled by their peers.  Bullying is an epidemic in American schools yet with the philosophy of inclusion, empathy, and thoughtfulness… it doesn’t exist here…Imagine if children’s excitement to learn was never disregarded, bureaucratized, stifled, or worse smothered entirely." Calkins Family